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Die Simulator

Die Simulator can help you play die games without one.

Download version 1.1 for Android(APK)(recommended if you know how to install APK)

Download version 1.0 for Android from Google Play(recommended if you don't know how to install APK)

Download version 1.0 for Android(APK)(DEPRECATED, not recommended)

Password Generator

Password Generator can generate strong random passwords AND SAVE THEM IN A TEXT FILE ON THE DESKTOP!

Download for Windows(EXE)

Guess The Number

Guess The Number is a game in which you need to guess a number from 1 to 10

Download for Windows(EXE)

Download for Android(APK)


Pong is a Unity clone of the original Pong game by Atari

Play PC edition on Unity Play

Download for Windows(EXE)

Download for Android(APK)

GD Texture Pack Installer

GD Texture Pack Installer can help you install and uninstall texture packs for Geometry Dash without using mods such as Texture Loader. I made this because, with the new Geometry Dash update, 2.206, Geode isn't working anymore, nor Texture Loader. This is an external tool and should work unless the folder structure for GD changes in a future update.

Download for Windows(EXE)

More apps coming soon!